Community Links
New Residents Helpful Information The following
information is provided as a service to new residents.
The listing of these organizations does
not constitute any form of endorsement by the City of Fayetteville. For more information, click on the organization desired
and you will be automatically linked. |

Other Links
US Government Portal This link takes you to the main "portal" web site for the US Government. From here you have access to
most of the US-government related web sites including the 3 branches of government, 5 branches of the military, 14 executive
departments, and more.
This collection of links provides
access to the web sites of the local Board of Education, and to the various schools in the area.
This link points to the main site for the Fayette
County Board of Education.
This link points to the main site for Crapapple
Lane Elementary School.
This link points to the home page for Kedron Elementary.
This link points to the home page for Booth Middle
This link points to the home page for Flat Rock
Middle School.
This link points to the home page for McIntosh High
This link points to the home page for Sandy Creek High